Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Points - Hacked Website

Earlier I received a report that my website had been compromised, my informant told me that photographs on this website were being morphed into pornographic images.
I have since checked and not been able to replicate the problem, so hopefully it will not be necessary, for any of my readers to provide credit card details just yet. Still I have noticed an increase in traffic but I'm sure its unrelated.


  1. Hey Tony,

    One thought is that you may have been hotlinking to some images hosted elsewhere on the internet, i.e. embedding an image in your blog that exists on another site somewhere. Some people take umbrage at the practice and replace the image with something else (such as porn). Visitors to your site would then see the replaced image. There's lots of info to be found by searching google for image hotlinking, including examples of humerous image replacement.

    Sorry if you already know this stuff or you host every image that you display: it's just a thought.

  2. ECR has been really boring lately.

  3. Oh, I'll stick a picture of my knob on my blog then, shall I? Would that liven things up for you? Kuh!

  4. Whilst it may be perfectly OK to criticize all on sundry on these pages to suggest that a fellow blogger is really boring lately or at any other time is really going to far.

    Im shocked

    I have never found ECR remotely boring!

  5. Thanks for the back-up, Tony. And may I say your blog continues to be thoroughly entertaining. A bit too entertaining, really, for my liking!

    On second thoughts perhaps you were being sarcastic.
