Monday, March 26, 2007

BBC News is it objective

Today (news Programme) (26/3/07) on Radio 4 which I listen to most mornings had a report concern NHS maternity services being under considerable pressure due to migration from eastern Europe mainly Poland , later I noticed Radio 5 also mentioned cuts in antenatal services, however this report did not mention the strain place on the NHS by unplanned migration.

I might be mistaken but I get the impression that BBC news, feed us what they think is suitable, based on the audience a channel is targeted at, so Radio 4 listeners can digest the news as it comes, like adults and Radio 5 a bit more down market has all the nasty bits cut as if the audience were made up of children.

Or maybe they are just censoring news, in some lefty we know best, sort of way, ignoring the likely million+ strong migration, from East Europe as if it has no social or economic impact.

Now migration is an emotive subject which mainstream politicians and the media ignore, although I cannot help thinking that those who control debate in this country are storing up fuel for extreme political parties. Absorbing a million people into this countries economy, has very costly consequences on the nations health, education, housing, benefits system and is not something that can be ignored forever.

When will the Media give us an adult debate with the facts and not the fiction.

BBC NHS cuts 'hit antenatal classes'
BBC Immigrant pregnanices stretch NHS

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