Monday, January 15, 2007

Missing out

It has been a week since I last wrote as you may appreciate, the amount of posts I have added to my blog recently has been minimal, you may also be cognisant of the fact, that this blog is more about me boring you witless with my outrageous opinions, but consider this which is sadder me opinionating (is this a proper word?) or you reading.

Anyway due to the long hours I work although I have plenty to say, I don't have much time to give you a lot the benefit of my wisdom.

There are many things and events that have occurred in the last week also which I have not had time to write about, such as the Beckhams such rich pickings too with the apparent rift over David's rottweilers, dumped by current football club, offered gazillions to play in America, and most outrageous of all offending perhaps Margates greatest living artist Tracey Emin by not thanking her for her contribution to their charity auction, contributing around £38,000.

Perhaps the most interesting thing in the world of politics, is the decline in standards of New Labour, during the last few days of Tony Blair's premiership we have seen ministers protest against their own health policies most notably Hazel Blears Labour Party chairperson, Scotsman Gordon Brown worrying about the break-up of Britain which of course he hopes to run later this year (England would no longer have to support Scotland and would be free to run its own affairs), Tony Blair's apparent bludging of holiday homes according to the Daily Mail is being enhanced by British Airways giving him and his wife free upgrades to first class and of course yet another Home Office F**K up with 27,500 criminal records not logged on to police computer systems.

Anyway I would just like to thank those who taken the time to click their way through to this site read my thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. How do you know when a plane load of Poms has landed at the airport? Cos the whining doesn't stop when the engines are turned off!

    Carry on whining, Tony my old sausage!
