Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Switch off your lights and save energy

Just a reminder although probably too late, to not answer your door unless you are expecting visitors. That great American import Hallowe'en is with us once again. Over the years of various explanations such as we are not American, nor are we devil worshippers, etc to irritable teenagers, have failed to put them off, with their trick or treat nonsense.

According to some retail expert, Hallowe'en still has a massive growth potential in the UK, God help us. Below is a photograph I took, in New York, where it would appear Satan had come early this year.

By switching off lights, you may avoid those awkward situations with excitable youngsters at your door, as hopefully they'll assume, you're out. Anyway I cannot understand what parents are doing, letting children out at night, in this day and age, then expecting them to knock-on the door of some miserable old B@$!^&d who has been to work all day!

1 comment:

  1. exactly!!any other time we are telling children not to go to strange houses or take sweets off strangers!now we held to ransom by yobs intent on causing trouble...
